What are the actual studies that show that HGH when combined with resistance training has very little effect on hypertrophy, and LBM? Are these the same supossed studies that show that AAS use is very dangerous, and doesn't work very well. Yes despite these claims of high danger and low effectiveness, thousands of formerly competitive athletes from Eastern Bloc countries and athletes and bodybuilders from the US used AAS, and now HGH for many years and had significant increases in LBM, and strength, but have not had any significant increases in health implications over the rest of the population. How come all those East German athletes who took AAS's in the 60's and 70's aren't dropping like flies?
Phillip Garrison, CSCS*D
Mesa, AZ
Mesa Community College
To: Supertraining@yahoogroups.comFrom: ragiarn@yahoo.comDate: Wed, 6 Feb 2008 03:56:11 -0800Subject: [Supertraining] Stallone puts muscle behind HGH; raises alarms
This article has some interesting points concerningHGH and aging. Ralph Giarnella MD Southington Ct USA *******************************Stallone puts muscle behind HGH; raises alarmsBy Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAYTo get ready for the new Rambo movie, actor SylvesterStallone, 61, has stated publicly that he took humangrowth hormone and testosterone, substances thatsupposedly promote a lean, muscular body.But doctors and scientists who study these potenthormones say Stallone may be playing with morefirepower than even Rambo can handle.Steroids such as testosterone have long been used byathletes to bulk up, but the use of synthetic growthhormones for that purpose by such a high-profilefigure has raised alarms in the medical community."These are not yet ready for prime time," says MarcBlackman, associate chief of staff for research at theWashington, D.C., VA Medical Center, who has conductedmany of the definitive studies on growth hormone andaging. "This is still research; it is not to berecommended for clinical practice. And neither thelong-term effectiveness nor the long-term safety havebeen shown."What has been established by researchers is thatgrowth hormone can cause or worsen diabetes,arthritis, heart disease and possibly cancer.It's also illegal to use it in a fitness regime. UnderFood and Drug Administration regulations, human growthhormone is a controlled substance that can beadministered only by a physician. In addition,physicians must do lab tests to prove that the personbeing treated is clinically deficient in growthhormone, says Richard Hellman, president of theAmerican Association of Clinical Endocrinologists.That's true elsewhere in the world as well, whichStallone learned last year when he was caughtsmuggling 48 vials of it into Australia. In May, hewas ordered to pay $10,651 in fines and court costs.Popular among athletes, bodybuildersGrowth hormone stimulates growth and cellreproduction. It is produced in the pituitary gland,the pea-sized "master gland" that sits at the base ofthe brain. It has been popular in recent years withbodybuilders and athletes because they believe it willincrease muscle mass, decrease fat and allow them tomore quickly recuperate after punishing workouts. It'salso a drug of choice at many anti-aging clinics,where it's given with the promise of restoring energy,strength, vigor and sex drive.But does it do any of those things?Studies have found that it can slightly, but onlyslightly, increase muscle mass. And because it cutsdown on body fat, it can give bodybuilders the"ripped" look they want, says Alan Rogol, a professorof endocrinology at the University of Virginia andIndiana University School of Medicine.Not a sure thingBut there's not a lot of evidence that the hormonedoes anything else, says George Merriam, a professorand endocrine researcher at the Veterans Affairshospital in Seattle."If Mr. Stallone is taking his growth hormone shots toimprove the way he looks without his shirt on, thebenefits that he's talking about may be real," Merriamsays. But he says most studies have consistently shownthat "there isn't improvement in physical orphysiological performance."As for the anti-aging effects, it's based on thenotion that growth hormone production peaks inadolescence. It begins to decline when normal agingbegins in the early 20s, Blackman says. By the time ahealthy person is in his or her 60s, growth hormonelevels are 30% to 40% of what they were at age 30.But despite years of research worldwide, no one "hasyet been able to show that supplementing growthhormone improves the function of the body," Blackmansays.And it can do harm. Early symptoms are aching joints,fluid retention and swelling. Some plastic surgeonsgive it just for the effect of fluid retention onwrinkles, says Roberto Salvatori, a professor ofendocrinology at Johns Hopkins University inBaltimore.It can also cause pain, weakness and numbness in thehand and wrist when the narrow tunnel of ligament andbone grows, crushing the medial nerve that passesthrough the hand. Sometimes it causes the abnormalgrowth of breast tissue in men, says Shlomo Melmed,president of the International Society ofEndocrinology and a doctor at Cedars-Sinai MedicalCenter in Los Angeles.There's also evidence that long-term use of growthhormone may cause cancer by fueling the growth ofsmall tumors, Rogol says.A cheaper alternativeAnd finally, growth hormone is very expensive andrequires daily injections. A so-called anti-agingdosage for a year can cost up to $20,000, Melmed says.But there is one easy, cheap and exceedingly healthyway to boost your growth hormone levels: go to bed."Growth hormone and testosterone production peakduring sleep," says Richard Auchus, a professor ofendocrinology at the University of Texas SouthwesternMedical Center in Dallas."You can actually get people to test pathologicallylow for growth hormone by waking them repeatedlyduring the night," he says. "I always tell people thatif you want to maximize your growth hormone, get agood night's sleep."Find this article at: http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2008-02-05-human-growth-hormone_N.htm