[loveshy_drgilmartin] Re: Level up!

Saturday, 9 February 2008      0 comments

> Yes, well done for both of you. Love will improve you greatly, but one
> relationship will not cure anybody. Even in love, it will take years
> for serious and lasting improvement to occur.

Yeah, I still feel the same as always, I still have some issues within
my mind that I haven't get rid of.

> To me, shyness is not perfectly cured until you have have several
> sexual relationships and a solid history of being able to get dates
> and move in and out of relationships. Of course, you may decide to
> skip all that work and settle down with what you have, but you have no
> right to make children until and unless you are fully cured.
> PB

I agree, this is just a small step, I have a long long way to go
before recovering, but I'm improving, and that's what matters.

Now new challenges arise, like anxiety attacks when she suggests
something about sex, the other day I had very strong anxiety attacks,
I felt like I was going to die, but I will get over that somehow.

Thanks for all of your support guys.

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