That's a fascinating question, Lori. Good for you for trying to figure
it out more. It doesn't make sense to me, either, with all the sun and
the supplemental vitamin D. Seems like somehow your body isn't
absorbing it.
I can help with one of your questions, though. I take vitamin D in
liquid form that I get from my holistic doctor. They're made by
Biotics Research Corporation and are called Bio-D-Mulsion. He feels a
lot of us are deficient in vitamin D anymore, and that it leads to a
lot of problems, like depression, and possibly can even help fight cancer.
Cindy Kirchhoff
--- In AlternativeAnswers@
> I am looking for some information and treatment options to Vitamin D
> deficiency. Here's my story in a nutshell:
> I am 46 y.o. female with a family history or
> Last summer at a routine physical a blood test came back with low vit.
> D. Dr. prescribed 1,000 units vit. D daily. What first concerned me
> about the results of the test was that at the time of the test, I was
> extremely suntanned. We spend great deals of time outside on the boat
> in the summer so I was getting at least 2-6 hours of sunshine a day.
> I just went back for a re-check (6 months have past) taking my 1,000
> units of vit. D (fairly regularly, at least 3-4 days a week). My
> vitamin D is still low and the Dr. wants me to take 2,000 units per day
> of Vit. D.
> Couple of concerns and questions:
> 1. Why would my Vit. D level be so low with so much sun exposure on a
> daily basis?
> 2. Could the low Vit. D be indicative of something else going on in my
> body?
> 3. Does this low D have any connection to rheumatoid or osteoarthritis?
> 4. Are there any other alternatives to take the Vit. D in pill form?
> Thank you for your time.
> Lori
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