[ACWDYG ] Re: [16_IHOP] Rest!

Wednesday, 23 January 2008      0 comments

Oh yes.. dont forget to blow out the lit fire.. Smile:) NESS!

----- Original Message ----
From: nesa edward <new2ness@yahoo.com>
To: achangewilldoyougood@yahoogroups.com; taj <toatis1976@yahoo.com>; tish <Letitiawise@yahoo.com>; sonya <sonya.bellamy.iaoq@statefarm.com>; 16IHOP <16_ihop@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 10:50:52 PM
Subject: [16_IHOP] Rest!

For those of you who are having trouble sleeping.. Is there a scent thats soft and mellow u like that is not overbearing? Maybe a candle or aroma therapy oils? Position the candle or small light so u can see it and just quiet down and stare at it.. As u start to either get bored or you attention wants to change think meditation. The key is to not think so hard but u start releasing thought tension stress from ur being. Its ok to make the rest of the room very dark.. just quiet down and sink into the scent or the light.. when u feel the desire let ur eyelids close.. practice quieting ur spirit. Its not easy. this is Y it takes practice.. once you feel at ease sitt for moments until u feel ur done. hopefully its enuff to help u get to sleep and stay there during the nite.. if not keep at it.. on days you can practice.. Do not force it.. Its always ok to strat over in meditation.. its design to take u somewhere but nowhere.. Where in most of our cases
the art of doing nothing can be a good thing.. much love..

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