I don't find it difficult to swallow at all. The endocrine system is
an extremely complex web of glands and interactive hormones that is
still not fully understood, even by Endocrinologists and researchers.
Modifying your behavior in a way that aids certain hormonal response
allows your body to make the substances in whatever portions it needs,
in amounts that it can handle and balance via its own mechanisms.
Squirting substantial amounts of one hormone into the system is a
rather crude intervention. The possible adverse effects of this, not
only on the processes directly effected by the hormone, but on the
entire delicate web of reactions and counter-reactions of the entire
hormonal system are not really known. One effect that is known is
that the gland producing the hormone you supplement tends to stop
producing that hormone on its own, sometimes permanently, leaving you
addicted to hormone supplements or stuck with a deficiency disease.
When taking steroids, you are performing a blind extremely risky
science experiment on yourself.
There may be quacks who prescribe steroids carelessly, but responsible
physicians only directly interfere with the endocrine system when
absolutely necessary. When they do, they start with conservative
doses, test blood levels, adjust, test again, etc... until a very
specific targeted result is achieved. Unless you are a doctor and
have a blood lab, you'll be completely guessing with DIY. The last
endocrinologist I heard interviewed about growth hormone, for
instance, said the typical amount used for performance enhancement by
athletes is anywhere from 10 to hundreds of times more than he gives
to children with severe development problems...
Personally, I would sooner inject heroin or cocaine into my
circulatory system than I would hormones.
Kevin Wilbanks
Wisconsin, USA
--- In Supertraining@
> From everything I have read, mechanisms for getting lean, muscular
and strong seem to rely heavily on substances secreted by the
endocrine system such as GH and T. Bodybuilders often design their
workouts to maximize their natural release of these substances and
even take advantage of insulin drive to help deliver more protein into
the muscles after workouts.
> However, there seems to exist a huge dichotomy between "natural"
methods of elevating your bodies own GH and testosterone versus
injecting exogenous GH and T. One is considered to be very healthy,
while the other is painted as very dangerous.
> Is it just me, or does anyone else here find it difficult to
swallow that "naturally" elevating your levels can be good for you,
while exogenous sources bad? If you keep levels within reason, how
does your body know the source and decide to product bad consequences?
Maybe the danger is simply that people will go far beyond safe levels
with these substances.
> While I am on the subject, is there any documentation that
supports consumption of certain amino combinations will cause your own
pituitary to release more GH (l-arginine, l-ornithine,
> Sincerely,
> Ed White
> Sandwich, MA USA
> ============
> Ralph Giarnella <ragiarn@...
> This article has some interesting points concerning
> HGH and aging.
> Ralph Giarnella MD
> Southington Ct USA
> ************
> Stallone puts muscle behind HGH; raises alarms
> By Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY
> To get ready for the new Rambo movie, actor Sylvester
> Stallone, 61, has stated publicly that he took human
> growth hormone and testosterone, substances that
> supposedly promote a lean, muscular body.
> But doctors and scientists who study these potent
> hormones say Stallone may be playing with more
> firepower than even Rambo can handle.
> Steroids such as testosterone have long been used by
> athletes to bulk up, but the use of synthetic growth
> hormones for that purpose by such a high-profile
> figure has raised alarms in the medical community.
> "These are not yet ready for prime time," says Marc
> Blackman, associate chief of staff for research at the
> Washington, D.C., VA Medical Center, who has conducted
> many of the definitive studies on growth hormone and
> aging. "This is still research; it is not to be
> recommended for clinical practice. And neither the
> long-term effectiveness nor the long-term safety have
> been shown."
> What has been established by researchers is that
> growth hormone can cause or worsen diabetes,
> arthritis, heart disease and possibly cancer.
> It's also illegal to use it in a fitness regime. Under
> Food and Drug Administration regulations, human growth
> hormone is a controlled substance that can be
> administered only by a physician. In addition,
> physicians must do lab tests to prove that the person
> being treated is clinically deficient in growth
> hormone, says Richard Hellman, president of the
> American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists.
> That's true elsewhere in the world as well, which
> Stallone learned last year when he was caught
> smuggling 48 vials of it into Australia. In May, he
> was ordered to pay $10,651 in fines and court costs.
> Popular among athletes, bodybuilders
> Growth hormone stimulates growth and cell
> reproduction. It is produced in the pituitary gland,
> the pea-sized "master gland" that sits at the base of
> the brain. It has been popular in recent years with
> bodybuilders and athletes because they believe it will
> increase muscle mass, decrease fat and allow them to
> more quickly recuperate after punishing workouts. It's
> also a drug of choice at many anti-aging clinics,
> where it's given with the promise of restoring energy,
> strength, vigor and sex drive.
> But does it do any of those things?
> Studies have found that it can slightly, but only
> slightly, increase muscle mass. And because it cuts
> down on body fat, it can give bodybuilders the
> "ripped" look they want, says Alan Rogol, a professor
> of endocrinology at the University of Virginia and
> Indiana University School of Medicine.
> Not a sure thing
> But there's not a lot of evidence that the hormone
> does anything else, says George Merriam, a professor
> and endocrine researcher at the Veterans Affairs
> hospital in Seattle.
> "If Mr. Stallone is taking his growth hormone shots to
> improve the way he looks without his shirt on, the
> benefits that he's talking about may be real," Merriam
> says. But he says most studies have consistently shown
> that "there isn't improvement in physical or
> physiological performance.
> As for the anti-aging effects, it's based on the
> notion that growth hormone production peaks in
> adolescence. It begins to decline when normal aging
> begins in the early 20s, Blackman says. By the time a
> healthy person is in his or her 60s, growth hormone
> levels are 30% to 40% of what they were at age 30.
> But despite years of research worldwide, no one "has
> yet been able to show that supplementing growth
> hormone improves the function of the body," Blackman
> says.
> And it can do harm. Early symptoms are aching joints,
> fluid retention and swelling. Some plastic surgeons
> give it just for the effect of fluid retention on
> wrinkles, says Roberto Salvatori, a professor of
> endocrinology at Johns Hopkins University in
> Baltimore.
> It can also cause pain, weakness and numbness in the
> hand and wrist when the narrow tunnel of ligament and
> bone grows, crushing the medial nerve that passes
> through the hand. Sometimes it causes the abnormal
> growth of breast tissue in men, says Shlomo Melmed,
> president of the International Society of
> Endocrinology and a doctor at Cedars-Sinai Medical
> Center in Los Angeles.
> There's also evidence that long-term use of growth
> hormone may cause cancer by fueling the growth of
> small tumors, Rogol says.
> A cheaper alternative
> And finally, growth hormone is very expensive and
> requires daily injections. A so-called anti-aging
> dosage for a year can cost up to $20,000, Melmed says.
> But there is one easy, cheap and exceedingly healthy
> way to boost your growth hormone levels: go to bed.
> "Growth hormone and testosterone production peak
> during sleep," says Richard Auchus, a professor of
> endocrinology at the University of Texas Southwestern
> Medical Center in Dallas.
> "You can actually get people to test pathologically
> low for growth hormone by waking them repeatedly
> during the night," he says. "I always tell people that
> if you want to maximize your growth hormone, get a
> good night's sleep."
> ============
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