You can't disagree about the egg-calorie thing because you are
demonstrably wrong. If you were right, an all-egg diet would have
become the established champion weight loss diet decades ago, and it
would be possible to starve to death in a day or two by gorging
yourself on eggs.
Second, what makes you think your problem with those foods is fiber?
My first thought is that they are both grains. Grains are a very
difficult to digest food for many people - especially when they are
not soaked or fermented before eating, or if they are processed in any
significant way. Grains contain an array of anti-nutrients that block
vitamin and mineral absorption. Populations that eat diets composed
of more than half whole grain end up with serious malnutrition
problems. Food allegies to various substances in the grains is very
common. Refined carbs from grains cause obesity and even diabetes in
certain populations. The Navajo people used to be skinny and healthy
until they started eating grains, now they have colossal rates of
obesity and are a focal point for worldwide diabetes research.
I don't think grains are an outright poison, but I think it is a
mistake to make them a major component of your diet if you have a
choice. Fiber, on the other hand, is essential. Try getting your
fiber from fruits, nuts, and vegetables instead.
Kevin Wilbanks
Wisconsin, USA.
--- In Supertraining@
> Glen,
> Thanks. Not sure I agree on the egg-calorie thing but I do know
that my gut doesn't like fiber so much, especially in large
quantities. I do better by taking it easy on the oatmeal and
whole-wheat bread.
> Thanks for the explanation as to what you meant by high energy
turnover foods.
> Miguel PĂ©rez
> Reynosa, Mexico
> ____________
> From: Supertraining@
> Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 7:07 PM
> To: Supertraining@
> Subject: RE: [Supertraining] Counterintuitive Fatloss
> Miguel,
> Digestive stress and fatloss are two of the main conditions for
which fibre, bran in particular, is recommended. In my experience,
although it can be helpful for some, there are in fact other
alternatives. I have found that fibre, particularly cereal fibre, may
actually increase the risk of digestive stress. Although it is
supposed to travel through the gut at a faster rate, it does not
always do so and using it as a "stomach filler" when dieting is not
always good either.
> Constipation is a frequent complaint when people who have eaten a
high-fibre diet adopt a different macro percentage nutrition template.
However, that does not mean that the new diet is at fault.
Constipation is really caused by their previous diet. What happens is
> You eat food and the waste is moved along the bowel by circular
muscles, in the same way as a worm moves. If you eat a high-fibre
diet, the fibre itself forces waste through and the circular bowel
action is made redundant. After a while it stops working. Now you
change to a more natural diet with a lower fibre intake and your bowel
muscles don't work as they should, so you get constipated. The muscles
will recover if you keep eating appropriately, (lower-carb,
higher-fat) and drinking more water. What you should not do is go back
to the high-fibre regime that caused the problem in the first place.
Obviously seasonal vegetables (raw & warmed) and fruits (raw,
preferably with skin) are good, but not in the vast quantities some
people suggest.
> One of the current and widely accepted nutritional strategies is to
eat 5-6 small meals a day. In theory, this will minimize hunger, limit
insulin spikes and raise metabolism. This strategy was born out of the
body building culture where the requirement to maintain 250 plus
pounds of body weight is only achieved through a huge food intake.
Great if you're a lineman, shot putter or heavy weight category athlete.
> Frequent feeding is not necessary if fat loss is the goal and you
have no desire to be heavy! Pre and post workout meals in theory are
designed to offset training stress. Don't train on the nerve and you
minimize one of the biggest muscle growth inhibitors..
ingestion produces insulin (a fat utilization inhibitor). In a fasted
state and a brief time after exercise, why not take advantage of
elevated growth hormone and high enzyme activity (especially lipase),
which mobilize FFA's. Obviously, food consumption is necessary, but
more importantly eating after physical stress (exercise) &
macronutrient depletion (fasting) will create a more efficient fat
usage environment. Then when you do eat, consume high energy turnover
foods. For example a standard chicken egg contains about 90 calories.
To digest that egg requires about 100 calories! So if you consume
foods that have high energy digestive requirements, you create an
enhanced thermic effect (higher
> metabolism) through nutrition. What are high energy turnover foods?
Natural foods such as animal proteins and fats. One cyclic
macronutrient breakdown will be approx 40% fat, 30% protein & 30%
carbohydrates. If you consume fatty fish and fatty grains, along with
good oils, nuts, avocados and full cream dairy your fat intake will
become dominant.
> With this in mind however, just as feed forward tension re lifting
is not well known or understood, so to the importance of fat in our
nutrition is misunderstood. As cyclic training in sport is necessary,
so to is nutritional cycling, macronutrient cycling, and phases of
depletion and compensation important.
> Note a 12 hour plus fast might include night time sleep and 4 plus
hours might be between meals.
> ============
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