RE: [Supertraining] Box squats for basketball players

Saturday, 9 February 2008      0 comments

Zach, I don't think you can say that one is better than the other as both work (assuming your players are able to do both movements correctly). Use as many training stimuli as you have at your disposal and find out what works for your players.

Dave Kirschen
New York, NY

To: Supertraining@yahoogroups.comFrom: pelham3213@yahoo.comDate: Fri, 8 Feb 2008 18:48:37 +0000Subject: [Supertraining] Box squats for basketball players

I wanted to get everybodies opinion on box squats vs. Full squats for basketball players. Which do you think is more beneficial to the sport? Obviously box squats hit the posterior chain more than the full squat but what about the full squat with an accessory exercise like glut ham raises. Trainers like Eric Cressey and Joe Defranco prefer the box squat. Would the pistol be a good accessory exercise with box squats? please post any information that you think is beneficial to this question.Thanks, Zach PelhamCity & Country??


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