Hi Erin,
This happen to my son Spencer. If you are adjusting it and it isn't fixing it, I would call CT and ask them about it. They may need to readjust the band. Hope everything works out. :)
Mom to Spencer & Alizabeth 9 1/2 months
Spencer- DOC Band GRAD 9/07-12/07
----- Original Message -----
From: erin_c_marshallSent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 12:04 PMSubject: [SPAM][Plagio] Question about eye brows & noise crinkles when wearing bandHello All,
My daughter (5 months) just got her band on Monday, and I've noticed
that when she has it on her eye brows seem pushed down, and her nose
crinkles. It's like the weight of it is pushing down on her face.
I've tried repositioning it numerous times, and it works for a while,
but then it eventually works its way back to pushing down on her face.
Is this normal? Did this happen to anyone else? Will this cause any
permanent issues? Should I talk to CT about this?
Thanks for your help!
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