Your daughter's measurements are almost identical to my son's. he has tort (been in treatment since he was 2.5 months) and we tried repo. and didn't use swings, but his measurements went from 5mm (CV) to 10 by 4 months. So he has been in the DOC band for almost 3 weeks now. His Tort is still lingering... And I hope that this wont affect his outcome after the band is off. I've been told he only has mild tort, but it just doesn't seem to be going away.
I hope that the repo goes better for you! But, I would defiantly band, I think that the tort just makes it that much harder for their noggins to round out on their own, and am glad that he will only have to spend 6-8 weeks in the helmet instead of 3-4 months if we had waited. I would deffinatly start stretches now.
These are stretches that are very similar to the ones our PT started us out on:
Kiley 3
Keenan Doc band 3 weeks.
shosh428 <Shosh428@aol.com> wrote:
My daughter Tova just turned 4 months old. She has torticolis and we
have been repositioning since birth but not really aggressively since
about 3 months of age. I took her to CT this week and they said she
is mild/moderate and they didn't immediately recommend a band, but
did say she is a good candidate. Not sure what that means. I havent
spoken to the pediatrician yet (we have an appointment on Monday) but
right now I'm leaning towards doing it. My feeling is...Why not? It
can't hurt. Right?
Her measurements are: Cranial Vault Assymetry 10 mm
Mid-Face Assymetry 4 mm
Skull-Base Asymmetry 3 mm
SInce she is so young I know we could see good results. We havent
even started physical therapy yet for the torticolis since she was
just diagnosed and the government agency that arranges it is
extremely slow. Ive been doing exercises with her on my own, been
repositioning like crazy, I havent put her in the bouncy seat or
swing even once since she was diagnosed with torticolis about a month
ago. But im wondering if repositioning on its own will really work.
Any advice?
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