Purchasing Dr Siff's Books
"Facts and Fallacies of Fitness" by M.C.Siff ISBN# 1-868-183-6 sixth
edition $34.95
"The Muscle Manual" ... Fundamental Muscle Anatomy and Physiology M.C. Siff
"Sports Restoration and Massage" M.C.Siff and Mike Yessis ISBN#
1-874856-66-4 $34.95
"A Textbook on Weightlifting" A.N.Vorobyev $34.95
"Supertraining" by M.C Siff ISBN# 1-874856-65-6 sixth editon $54.95
"Seated Aerobic Workout" video by Lisa Ericson VHS format $24.95 PAL
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David Driscoll
Supertraining Moderator
Sydney, Australia