RE: [Supertraining] Testosterone for women

Friday, 8 February 2008      0 comments


It's unlikely Lisa is even remotely in danger of starting to look like a pro female bodybuilder just from using a test patch. Now I don't think she should go that route either, but still...It's not like she's going to wake up one morning and weigh 240 pounds at 2% bodyfat with 18-inch arms. "Oh no, I look like Markus Ruhl; why o why didn't I listen to Linda?"

High doses of testosterone would probably make YOU look that way, but that's because you are a genetic mutant with an abnormal disposition towards putting on muscle and being very strong and keeping a low bodyfat level despite eating whatever you want in large amounts. You could probably weigh 220 lean by eating cake and ice cream and just lifting heavy 3-4 times a week without ever bothering with cardio. (Oh wait, that's what you do already.) Figure it out, you are far, FAR removed from the typical female - you are an anomaly. Your experience is perfectly irrelevant as far as most other women is concerned. Isn't it obvious, for crying out loud?


You probably just need to double-check your diet, cut back a little bit on the running and concentrate more on your weight training.

Miguel PĂ©rez
Reynosa, Mexico


From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Supertraining] Testosterone for women

Ok Lisa. Let me be blunt here.

Watch "Supersize She" from Discovery Channel and look at "female bodybuilders". the "professional ones". Then if you still think you NEED testosterone....I don't know what to say. It'll LITERALLY make a MAN out of you. Read on the side effects of anabolic steroids.


I don't need steroids (and yeah, testosterone is one) to lean up and be fit and strong. Why do you?

The Phantom
aka Linda Schaefer, CMT, CSCS, competing powerlifter, Drug free for LIFE
Denver, Colorado, USA

-------------- Original message --------------
From: "Lisa Day" < <> >
I would be interested in hearing feedback and thoughts on testosterone for women.

IM 37, 5'8, 160 and it was 1.5 years ago in which I decided to lose weight and get healthy. I dropped 65 lbs, I run 5 miles most days with two days off, and lift weights every other day. I still would like to cut more fat, yet my body has stayed at this weight for quite some time so Im trusting that eating well (mostly clean) and being active .. my body will do what it needs to do. I have read some articles on testosterone patches and am interested in it. From what I have read it provides a feeling of well-being (right now Im a bit tired out and not feeling strong but weak yet this could be due to the time of year .. winter, snow and cold), helps cut fat, helps gain lean muscle ...

I would be interested in everyone's feedback on this or other solutions.
thanks kindly

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