Re: [Supertraining] Stallone puts muscle behind HGH; raises alarms

Thursday, 7 February 2008      0 comments

You raise many great points. I'd like to reply to using L-arginine and l-ornthine. I have been taking both these amino acids in supplements for the last two months. I have seen a significant increase in my strength and size. As nothing else has changed in my routine, I can only put credit to these supplements.

Joel Cohen
Berkeley, CA


Ed White <> wrote: From everything I have read, mechanisms for getting lean, muscular and strong seem to rely heavily on substances secreted by the endocrine system such as GH and T. Bodybuilders often design their workouts to maximize their natural release of these substances and even take advantage of insulin drive to help deliver more protein into the muscles after workouts.

However, there seems to exist a huge dichotomy between "natural" methods of elevating your bodies own GH and testosterone versus injecting exogenous GH and T. One is considered to be very healthy, while the other is painted as very dangerous.

Is it just me, or does anyone else here find it difficult to swallow that "naturally" elevating your levels can be good for you, while exogenous sources bad? If you keep levels within reason, how does your body know the source and decide to product bad consequences? Maybe the danger is simply that people will go far beyond safe levels with these substances.

While I am on the subject, is there any documentation that supports consumption of certain amino combinations will cause your own pituitary to release more GH (l-arginine, l-ornithine,etc)?


Ed White
Sandwich, MA USA

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