On Wed, 6 Feb 2008, Marc B. Donvito wrote:
> --- In loveshy_drgilmartin
> <ruth.ahlgren@
>> I prefer to say I am challenging not chastising, nor debasing. I do
>> not want to see people being hurt by ineffective or possibly damaging
>> advice. So it is important that everyone challenge the advice being
>> given out whether mine or anyone elses.
> I have not participated in this discussion until now, but I would say
> that to me, it sounds like attacks on individuals rather than their
> views. Everyone has the right to express their views. You have set
> yourself up as an arbiter to demand that everyone justify themselves here.
I have to disagree with you here. I haven't read any attacks in Ruths
postings. And I think she has the right to express her views as much as
the rest of us. I don't like the "us against them" thing, it's not
something that serves us well.
In fact, I think it's good to get a new point of view into this list. Even
if I don't agree with everything she says, I see a lot of sense in some of
>> I also challenged Talmer's credentials for giving advice.
> As I said, everyone has the right to give their opinion, that is the
> nature of a discussion board. This is not some advice column in the
> newspaper in which people send questions to a recognized expert, or
> whatever.
That's exactly why it's a good idea to question the advice given here.
> As far as advice to the Original Poster, I would say he needs to
> expand his social circle, meet a lot more women, so he does not get
> hung up on one particular person. Go out and get involved in some
> activity where you meet a lot of people, have fun, socialize, etc.
> This theory that all you need to do is meet the right person, and then
> all your social problems will be solved, is silly.
Now, this is sound advice!
> Please trim your messages a bit so they don't run on and on.
This too. :)
You are not alone! And it is not your fault!

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