Re: [ACWDYG ] climbing

Thursday, 7 February 2008      0 comments

Having climbed a few unpleasant hills, I found it better for me to not look too far up or down but concentrate mostly on where I am at the moment and on my next few steps and hand holds.

cecilia <> wrote: I am new here and I hope your don't mind but I printed this out and
made it bigger and posted it in our lobby wall of our homeless
shelter. Alot of dashed hopes and dreams and this went up as our
thought of the day. I try to put up encouraging messages and it
looks like this site will ne a wealth of information.
Thanks for letting me be a part of it

--- In, Ian Stephenson
<widow_twanky1@...> wrote:
> Rarely do climbers stare up to see how far away the top still is.
Instead, when they rest, they look down toward the starting point of
their journey. The view they see assures them that they have already
come a long, long way.
> Like the climbers, we need to keep our eyes on where we are and
where we've been, not on where we're going. When we become
discouraged with the progress of our recovery, we only need to look
back over how far we have come. The rewarding view gives us courage
to continue. Many of us recall times when we lived without hope and
the sense of impending doom. Now we look forward to life with
> Today, I will remember to face my climb with optimism. Even if my
progress sometimes seems slow to me, it's still a long way from
where I once was.
> Love and myGgwy Ian S..
> An absence of alternatives clears the mind marvellously
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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