[Plagio] Re: 1st visit with craniofacial specialist.

Friday, 8 February 2008      0 comments

I would ask yourself...if his headshape doesn't improve at all on its
own, will I be happy? If the answer is no then I would band
regardless of the measurements. There is a list of questions to ask
in the files section (sorry, I can't remember what it is titled). I
can only answer about the DOC band as that is what my son had. The
DOC band weighs about 6oz (I think it weighs less) and applies gentle
pressures to the prominent areas and allows new growth to go to the
flattened regions. Based on your son's age, he would go every 2 weeks
for adjustments. The cost of the DOC band is $3000 but many people
(myself being one) have been able to get reimbursed upon an appeal.
The staff at Cranial Tech is solely trained with the DOC band and
babies where I believe other ortho places may have varying amounts of
expertise with banding babies as they may fit other orthotics. We had
a great experience with CT and I would highly recommend them.

Good luck.


PS; If your pediatrician will write the prescription for the band then
you don't need to go to a cranial specialist. We got the prescription
through our ped. and never went anywhere else but I guess since your
appt. is tomorrow that may be faster for you anyways (to go to the
cranial specialist). The cranial specialist should be able to explain
what they are measuring. Different orthosist measure from different
points (I believe but could be wrong).

--- In Plagiocephaly@yahoogroups.com, "nicole04kyle07"
<nicole04kyle07@...> wrote:
> Hello all,
> My 6 month old has an appt. with the cranial spcialist this Friday.
> What should I expect and what should I ask?
> I've read from the post that "normal" is considered 0-3 mm, but I
> don't understand what that measurement is of.
> If my son is considered mild-mod plagio should I go ahead with
> treatment with band?
> what is the difference between STAR and DOC?
> Thank you so much.

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