[ACWDYG ] Re:Is this Concept Different from Scriptures!

Saturday, 9 February 2008      0 comments

My simple take on God and Universal Message using both science and

There is one Universal energy (E= mc2) that we call God, Allah, Ram,
Parmatma, Hari, God of the Universe, or any other name we choose.
[That energy never changes and is constant.] That's is the ultimate
truth. Everything is created out of this energy and goes back into
this energy.

The one who realizes we are created from the same source have no
enmity [If we don't see God in all, we cannot see God at all ]. If we
don't see others as an enemy, then there is also no fear [Fear is the
product of others]. One who realizes this truth is not only without
enmity and fear, but is not afraid of getting old or of dying young.
Also not afraid of reincarnation or hell or heaven. But such
realization comes only to few who try hard to realize this truth.


Parts from: Science, Religion & Spirituality by S.S.Dhillon

--- In achangewilldoyougood@yahoogroups.com, "Leonard Rubino"
<lmr@...> wrote:
> Here is my concept of God
> Our Subconscious Mind
> Is the Mind of God
> We as humans are creatures of little faith. Why is this? It is
because we have been taught by some religions that we are separate
from God, that God is a vengeful God, that God will judge us, and that
God will condemn some of us to ever lasting Hell.
> How can we have faith? We are human, we are mortal, we make
mistakes, we fail, we fall, and we are condemned before we ever start.
Well, let me blow some of you out of the water. We are not separated
from God. Every single human being that ever lived, that ever will
live is connected to God every minute of every day. Our Subconscious
Mind is the mind of God. God is good, God does not judge, God does not
condemn, and God loves us. The ancient scriptures say and have never
been questioned or changed: "In the beginning God created Heaven and
Earth (not Heaven and Hell) and everything God created is good."
> We live in a hostile world, where people will kill for the sake of
killing. We see disease, disaster, poverty, failure, loneliness,
hatred, and death. Why does God let this happen? Because most people
have faith that this is the way it's supposed to be. Imagine those
self-righteous people who think Heaven is for them but not for those
of another religion, or a different color, or born on the wrong side
of the tracks, or in some jungle in Africa or South America. Yet, this
is contrary to everything that Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, or
any other teacher tried to tell us. Some religious leaders preached a
different story. We were told to pray to God for forgiveness, that God
answers some prayers, but not others.
> Two thousand years after Jesus we still haven't gotten the message,
"As ye believe, so shall it be done unto you." Believe in Hell and
Hell exists for you. Believe in sin, poverty, hatred, sickness,
failure, and loneliness then it shall be done unto you. We can no
longer isolate ourselves from God. We can no longer depend on our
leaders to think for us. We can no longer ignore the obvious. We are
God's Subconscious Mind in a human form. When we physically die, our
soul, our Subconscious Mind, will return to God for God does not know
of Hell, poverty, disease, sickness, or death.
> Today's Exercise: Take a deep breath, this is a heavy one. Today is
the first day of the rest of your life. Will you have faith in good or
faith in Evil?
> Today's Affirmation: The kingdom of God is within me.
> Points to Ponder: Our Subconscious Mind is the mind of God; "As ye
believe, so shall it be done unto you."
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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