Re: [Plagio] We got our Star band today!!!

Thursday, 24 January 2008      0 comments

I am glad to hear how well Bradley is doing.  I would only be concerned that he may get to warm with the band and being swaddled.  All 4 of my kids didn't like swaddling after 2 months but i have had friends who have swaddled their babies until 6 omnths or so.  Please keep us updated on how he is doing.
----- Original Message -----
From: Kristen
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 10:39 PM
Subject: [Plagio] We got our Star band today!!!

Hi everyone, Bradley got his Starband today and is doing GREAT. I
thought he would hate it because he hates having things on this head.
But he didnt mind it too much he tried to get it off for about 5
mintues and then when on with this business like it wasnt even there.
So, so far so good but we will wait and see what he is like when he has
to wear it at night. He is already a really bad sleeper wakes up 1 to 2
times per night. But I found tha he likes to be swaddled. He loved
being swaddled when he was a baby but I thought he was too big to be
swaddled still but, I swaddled him the other night and he only woke up
once so we saw see. Does anyone still swaddle their 8 almost 9 month
old baby or do you think he is too big?

Bradley 8m 3w - Starband

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