Re: [Plagio] Re: Hanger in Topeka

Tuesday, 8 January 2008      0 comments

Great! You just made me feel a whole lot better about the situation. My little girl is fighting a sinus infection and ear infection so she may not have fun at the casting anyways......

Amelia Rosetta <> wrote:

The Hanger facility in Topeka is great. Lori has lots of experience and she is very knowlegable. I spoke with her today regarding her banding. She used to use the Hanger scanner and the Hanger band however now she uses Orthoamerica Starbands and casts. She feels that she gets a more accurate fit with a cast and that Starband is a better fit. If you are worried about casting, don't be. Just make sure the time isn't interferring with nap time or feeding time and they should do great. As for Paulette, she is very good as well as Tom Eis. Tom scans but I believe Paulette is still doing casting. Hope this helps.

Angie P <> wrote:
I believe there is a list of questions to ask in the files section. The ortho I used is Paulette and she is now at KU. She was awesome and very experienced. She was very patient with me and answered all of my questions and fit us in earlier when needed. Her name is Paulette Hamblin. I will try to fing her number again. Also I believe there is a Tom there with a lot of experience also. I had a friend who used him and was very pleased. Having said all of this the ortho in Topeka could be great and experienced. I would ask them how long the have been doing bands and if they have any parent references.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 7:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Plagio] Re: Anyone use a Hanger Helmet ?

Are there any specific questions I should ask when we go in? I would be willing to switch from Topeka to Kansas City - if ours turns out to not be as skilled.
What was your orthos' name?

Angie P <> wrote:
Not all Hangers are bad. The key is a experienced and skilled ortho. I am in the Kansas City area. My daughter will be 6 next Saturday. She wore a STARband through a Hanger office in 2002 from age 9 to 12 months. We were very pleased with the results. She has before and afters under STARband and Jenna.
There have been many successful Hanger graduates.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 8:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Plagio] Re: Anyone use a Hanger Helmet ?

I'm new to this group. I have a 9.5 month old daughter with positional plagio. And we have a casting appointment with Hanger in Topeka Kansas on Wednesday. I'm starting to wonder if that's smart at all? Are all Hangers bad? Is it because they do other things? I know we are down to crunch time with her and her head. And I no longer want to waste time. Any help?
cathyl65 <> wrote:
--- In, "cathyl65" <cathyl65@...> wrote:
> Hi Michele,
> I used Hanger in Farmingdale and did not have a very good
> with them. My son wore an ill-fitting Hanger helmet from the age of
> 10mo with little to no correction. When he so called graduated from
> Hanger helmet I couldnt believe it, his head was as flat as ever if
> worse from when we had started. I said this to the guy in
> and he told me that his head looked fine. I couldnt believe he was
> telling me this when anyone could see with there own eyes that this
> not the case. I started doing my own research and thru this board
> about about Cranial Tech.(they are in Paramus, NJ) My son wore a
> from them from the age of 14mo-18mo. We did get correction but due
> his late age of getting a GOOD FITTING HELMET he does still have
> residual flatness as well as asymmetries which I dont think he
> have had any if I had went with C.T. from the get go. I live in
> near JFK airport so yes a bit of a hike to NJ and maybe even more
> for you if you are coming from L.I. but due to your son's age 8mo I
> would strongly suggest using C.T. so you do not waste any precious
> as the head grows so much in the first year. Their company also
> specializes in banding children, that is all that they do so kinda
> like the experts in the Helmet biz. I wish I had known about C.T.
> I first started out since my son was so young when I first started
> whole process. I know of one other mom on this board that also used
> Hanger in Farmingdale that had a similiar experience to mine and
> winded up bringing her daughter to C.T. in NJ also at a late age
> my son. And there was one other mom who was also going to use
> and with my and the other mom's advice switched to C.T. in NJ and
> son already graduated with fantastic results!
> Please if you have any questions please ask that is what this board
> here for! We will try and help in any way we can
> Best of luck to you.
> Cathy- Mom to CJ
> Ill-fitting Hanger helmet 5-10mo
> Doc Band -14mo-18mo
> --- In, Michele Papierno
> <michpaps819@> wrote:
> >
> > My 8 month old son just went for the initial visit to Hanger
> > Friday in Farmingdale, NY.
> >
> > They scanned his head and I assume that he'll have it by this
> > Wednesday, our next appointment.
> >
> > Did anyone have a bad experience there? Should I be worried?
> >
> > Any info is greatly appreciated!
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Michele
> >


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