Re: [ACWDYG ] Feeling useless?

Tuesday, 8 January 2008      0 comments

Hi, well this is all to often with many people, yes even myself included. Gather your self worth. May sound easier said than done but its worth a try. How about this... our problems started at the garden when the fruit from the good and evil tree was eaten. so we all have good and evil. I am sure you are one of those people with a real good heart because you feel attacke most of the time by self judgment and the critics of life(other people). Give yourself a break here. You are human and you are not alone in this. It is a quite painful way to live always beasting up on yourself and trying to please others. I was told to change the value of me.. Meaning do an appraisal and make it higher.. You are worth it. God loves you please dont doubt that.. now its time for you to love you with all you've got.. not just in having things but spiritually.. Seek Him now and dont hesitate. I know everyone has their own religious preference, so seek the God you
serve.. Or choose to serve God. That my friends is the only guarantee we have in life..And he makes it even the more sweeter for You! Yes there will be problems even while serving the true and living God but you are worth the fight. I hate that you suffer with this guilt trip of not feeling good enough, but you are good enough.. Make yourself happy and there in you will make others happy. When you are happy you want to make others happy and you feel your reward in helping others.. take time to love on yourself and for every negative thought that hits you u swing back with multiple positive thoughts.. Please help you! Dont waste time entertaining the negative. Entertainment is usually somethings that brings joy.. so entertain good things.. research Love! This was for me too.. so lets see if i entertain good instead of negative and continue my research with Love.. Ness

----- Original Message ----
From: rahayu lestariasih <>
Sent: Monday, January 7, 2008 8:18:30 PM
Subject: [ACWDYG ] Feeling useless?

I wonder if someone can give some advice or some tips for me.
I have problem here. many times in my life i feel i'm useless.
If someone critisise me, i feel i'm useless, i can't do anything right, i can't focus to all the good things i have done.
if i do something nice, i think that doesn't mean anything, it doesn't worth anything
but if i do something wrong, i will feel i'm the most useless person in the world
i always see bad thing that inside me.
i always want to be someone else
i know it's not right, i know it only hurt my self
but, i don't know what to do!
Sometimes i feel very angry to my self, because i let this feeling come
but i really don't know how to deal with it.
Thank you

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