[Bath_and_Body] Do I need a Chemist?

Wednesday, 23 January 2008      0 comments

Ok.. So I am taking these SBA Classes and I was explaining to my group
that I plan to sell Bath Products. A group member asked me if I had a
chemist and how do I go about getting licensed to make products.

I actually couldn't answer... I mean I didn't think I needed a chemist
to mix up some Essential Oils in my home however, I wasn't sure...I do
label all product to the T, and advise customers of what the products
contain. However I was a bit confused & embarrased because I wasn't

Does anyone know if/when I would need the service of a Chemist and how
much something like this could cost? And..Are there any requlations or
certifications that I need to take to certify that I know what I'm



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