~ Together We Grow ~ (Silent Whispers)
You stand alone in the shadows and I feel you there,
Fascinated with wonder,
You know that I care.
Sincerity is my Sister.
And will always be.
Truth, honor and trust, Our Brothers,
All three!
At times you step forward.
You make yourself known.
Shining with new knowledge,
I see that you've grown!
Some of it you share,
Always with a smile,
Patience your armor,
You're content for a while.
Then time calls you back,
And with silence we know,
Your pathway's your own,
Yet together we grow.
I know that you hear me when I'm calling your name.
Different paths we may take but the echo's the same.
With knowledge there's comfort,
A gentle warm hand,
The friend with a smile,
Yes, we both understand.
©2007 JF Silent Whispers
Love and Blessings,
Silent Whispers.
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