I'd have to agree. These practices are very unlikely to interfere with
medical advice, and can improve almost anyone's quality of life. Try
eliminating gluten, dairy, sugars, anything processed, and balance her
pH. Personally, I would also eliminate all animal products, as
parasites are common in them, but that's just my opinion. Take LOTS of
probiotics EVERY day. From what I've read about parasites, there are
so many that are not found in medical tests. Perhaps you should do a
thorough parasite & candida cleanse.
Here are some links that you may find helpful:
I haven't read through the recent discussion here about Threelac, but
it's highly recommended for intense candida cleansing, though it's not
without side effects. Both parasites and candida can wreak havoc on
the body. I've personally battled with them for the last couple of
years, and believe I've had them most of my life. I'm currently
breastfeeding, so am not yet able to safely do a thorough cleanse, but
I've found drastically altering my diet made a TREMENDOUS difference.
There is a lot of information on the web about candida cleansing, and
it can be overwhelming, but for me, it was the first step to a much
better life. I, too, was very physically active & already ate what
most people considered to be a very healthy diet, but it wasn't
enough. I now eat mostly fresh, organic produce (cooked - with a
challenged gut, I'd stay away from raw stuff until her gut has healed:
research Ayurveda), whole grains (rarely wheat), nuts (not peanuts),
other legumes. Get as many colorful veggies into her diet as possible,
especially greens. There are lots of great green drink powders that
blend well with nut milks, juice or produce. The most important thing
is eliminating sugars (including dairy & most fruits). Parasites,
including candida, feed on sugars, and when they're well-fed, they
reproduce with mind-numbing speed.
I don't recall if you were able to get a celiac test. For whatever
reason, docs are reluctant to do the test, but it is an important one.
Best to you and your dd.
--- In AlternativeAnswers@
> What is her diet like, a typical SAD?
> I would suggest for her to go on a dairy-free, wheat-free,
> preservative/
> (nothing from a box or can) - organic is best if possible. Lots of
> green leafy veggies, colorful fruits, seeds, nuts, etc. Add
> plant-based digestive enzymes, a higher quality probiotic supplement,
> whole food mineral supplements, whole food antioxidants.
> Carol
> http://www.bluegree