[AlternativeAnswers] Re: Help for 12-Year Old Needed

Tuesday, 8 January 2008      0 comments

Did this child by any chance have any dental work done before this
started happening? Any vaccinations? My daughter went through a lot
of the same symptoms, migraines and bowels. Don't think that this
girl is having emotional problems. I was told by three doctors and one
naturopath that in her case it was physical and they said usually it
is. We write off way more as being emotional than really happens.
People are constantly being put on meds when all they need is to get
the poison out of their body.

She has classic symptoms of some type of poisoning. The knee can
indicate kidney problems which can also be a sign of mercury overload.
Headache sounds the same as my girl's was before detoxifying. Her
brain was swollen due to mercury.

Seems that when the molars grow in around that age a lot of kids get
dental work, get amalgams (50% mercury) and get sick. Also, it's a
time for booster shots which may contain a mercury derivative.

Mercury will make the body acidic and cause bowel problems. NO DAIRY
IS VITAL! It will cause inflammation. No 12 year old needs dairy

Not all probiotics are created equal and while Primal Defense is
better than most, soil based organisms can irritate some sensitive

Carol made some excellent dietary suggestions. It took us about ten
years of trying stuff to solve our problem which was mainly mercury
but also other metals like cadmium. A little over a week on Natural
Cellular Defense and our problem was gone. You can read our full story
on my website: www.ncdpro.com/detoxqueen. Listen to the recorded
interview with the doctor while you're there and feel free to call for
more individualized attention than I can give here. Toxins are at the
root of roughly 95% of "diseases" which are in reality just symptoms.

My only other guess would be Lyme. Doesn't matter if there are no
occurances in the area. My Mom's friend was the first in Ontario to
have Lyme! It is not always detectable by standard testing.

Hope this helps,


-- <LDiel@...> wrote:
> Can anyone shed some light on this? Below is a time line and history
> of what my friend's daughter has been experiencing. Thank you in
> advance for any help and information.
> In addition to history below, in Sept. also started seeing
> chiropractor 2x's week for tune up, although not having back trouble,
> he has a holistic approach to his practice and we were hoping to help
> overall.
> Lauren was athletic, healthy 12 year old girl. Scholar, book worm
> and really loves school and sports. Not much could slow this girl
> down. Happy/well adjusted with many friends. No social or
> psychological underlining issues.
> History:
> 1. 2nd week of April 2007- last year: diarrhea for 5 months -
> abdominal pain consistently got worse. They did routine tests for
> allergy, parasites. Suffers with diarrhea all summer(while trying to
> play baseball -on the boy's team for more action- on fields that
> don't even have port-a-potty's. Determined to not miss games or
> practice, would just not eat all day if that was what it took.
> 2. Beginning of August: Pediatric G/I specialists do tests that
> showed positive for hpilori (but positive test doesn't tell you when
> it was active, just that she had it at some point.) Did ProPack
> and pepsid for abdominal pain. No results. Taking probiotics
> Culturelle daily. No headaches. Did hediscan-radioactive dye test
> to check gall bladder. All normal.
> 3. End of August: Pediatric G/I randomly tried xifaxan-antibiotic 5
> day, wondering if she had some sort of bacterial overgrowth. All
> symptoms were gone within 3 days and she was a normal happy 12 year
> old for month of Sept.. (with milk daily). Headache only while
> taking xifaxan. Lost about six pounds since spring.
> 4. End of Sept.: abdominal pain -upper only - and diarrhea came
> back. - xifaxan worked again for three weeks was symptom free (even
> with milk daily). Headache only while taking xifaxan. Did soccer
> season part time as diarrhea and upper abdominal pain would allow.
> Lauren likes 7th grade and her new school so much she says she wishes
> she could go on the weekends.
> 5. Mid Nov.: upper abdominal pain, diarrhea and this time vomiting
> every time she ate - endoscopy scheduled for end of Nov. Still do
> advil (with food) culturelle and start two weeks of daily yogurt also.
> 6. End Nov: did endoscopy - was told results showed lactose
> intolerance - take lactaid with dairy and put on a longer course of
> the antibiotic 10-day this time. Saw results for two days - no
> abdominal pain, headache or diarrhea- as long as she had a lactaid
> with dairy. Weight stayed steady once diarrhea under control.
> Usually headache only while taking xifaxan, this time Day three
> headache (avg 5-6 on a scale of 1-10) and abdominal pain return and
> have never left. Talk with G/I Dr about pancreas and parasites.
> They do amalise test and pancreas checks out fine. They say if a
> parasite, it could explain why the xifaxan works temporarily and
> then symptoms come back.
> 7. Dec 17: still having bad headache and upper abdominal pain.
> Advil/tylenol no relief for pain. Muscles and joints ache. Left
> knee pain consistently. She isn't tired or fatigued, just joints
> achy. Still taking Culturelle. Pediatrician tries med for possible
> abdominal migraines - don't have name of med. It was supposed stop
> the spasms. No results. Still diarrhea free as long as she had
> lactaid. Discontinued that med after pharmacist sister-in-law said
> med was rather extreme and she would not give it to her children.
> Switch from Culturelle to Primal Defense probiotics.
> 8. Dec. 21: Infectious disease/parasite Dr's at Strong review the
> case, have no explanation on why xifaxan works and then stops, say
> Lauren has no indication through the standard testing of a parasite.
> Dr. had no real desire for further testing, but though my request did
> a lyme disease and her seds rate in blood test that would show
> inflammation. Seds rate fine, don't have lyme test results back
> yet. Infectious disease Dr. says highly doubt lyme disease as no
> cases reported contracted in this area and the only place we had
> traveled was Lake Placid in May.
> Lauren only going to school part time due to constant upper abdominal
> and severe headaches - bright lights bother it, unable to
> concentrate in class due to pain. She still makes honor roll and
> works hard to keep grades up although missing classes. Not doing
> tennis as usually would this time of year. Not knowing Lauren
> personally, and her love of school and sports, Infectious disease Dr
> says Lauren could just be hypersensitive to symptoms now, kinda just
> not feeling like going to school, and have tired teen syndrome,
> similar to fibromaliga and probably just needs to push though it. I
> calmly disagree with Dr and express frustration as to no explanation
> for cause of anything, but tell him I am desperate as her mother and
> willing to try anything. Refers us to the rheumatology dr and tired
> teen clinic who work in tandem. No apt. avail till mid-January. Ask
> Dr. about hormone related issues, Lauren is 12 1/2 and hasn't gotten
> her period. He dismisses it as a cause for anything.
> 9. Dec. 28: follow up with pediatric g/i at Strong. Lauren still
> having persistent bad headaches and upper abdominal pain, and knee
> pain. New resident not familiar with Lauren consults with records,
> us and her endoscopy results. She says endoscopy shows gastritis
> (was previously only told of lactose intolerance and trying lactaids
> only), and think headaches could be related. Start acid reducing
> Prevacid (vs. acid blocker pepsid tried in past.) She cautions that
> it will take 6-8 weeks to see stomach relief and not to give up.
> Also try 3 days of high-dose Advil for headaches, but no relief of
> headache. Headache like a headband toward front part of head -
> vision sometimes wavy. G/I dr. gets blood drawn again to test for
> common food alleryies. No results back yet. They think we should
> systematically rule out the current gastritis/migraine diagnosis with
> treatment for them for a few weeks before doing other allergy
> testing.
> 10. Dec. 28: follow up with pediatrician re: left knee persistent
> pain and allergy/cold symptoms developed in last 3 days. Suspect
> Lauren has typical adolescent Osgood-Schlotter disease - like growing
> pain in knee. Hi-dose advil taking for head also should help knee -
> which it does. Allergy/cold just take allegra as usual when needed.
> Mom and Lauren decide to try diet of totally eliminating milk as well
> as anything spicy or acidic. Taking advil cold/sinus next few days,
> allegra not helping. Start fiber supplement and still taking
> probiotic. Check eyes and "windows to the brain" show as normal.
> Are encouraged at no more weight loss.
> 11. Dec. 31 - try Imatrex for migraine - helps some, reducing pain
> to a four. Headache returns in following day, Imatrex helping
> minimally. Still have upper abdominal pain. Taking Children's
> triaminic for bad cold symptoms.
> 12. Jan. 2 am - try imatrex again. no help - headache progressively
> getting worse, with food take 800 mg advil 8pm. No relief. Start
> taking dark walnut oil as home remedy test for abdominal pain.
> Headache mostly on left side and vision in left eye is fuzzy and
> troublesome. Still persistent cold symptoms also.
> 13. Jan. 3 (first day back to school from vacation) Wake at 5 am
> with worse headache - take Imatrex (corner of pill broke off in dark,
> Lauren not aware, takes it - with peanut butter crackers-no dairy).
> 6:15 am still have bad headache, but get ready for bus at 7am. 7 am
> not better, stays home, sleeps for hour or so. (Mom discovers corner
> of broken pill and reads insert saying not to break pill or take
> broken - too late, as Lauren already took it early am.) Has
> diarrhea-first time in several weeks since taking lactaid. 9:30 am
> take second Imatrex. Don't see any relief. Not sleepy. Tries to
> study for mid term exams at home - light and reading book or computer
> really bother head and left eye. Noon cereal with soy milk, 1/2
> banana, few chunks of chicken from homemade soup-no diary. 1pm goes
> to school though feeling like crap having worse abdominal pain. Has
> diarrhea 1:15 at school. 2:30 pick Lauren up from school headache
> still 7/8 - no improvement. Abdominal pain same. Take more
> triaminicc for cold symptoms. Fiber and probiotics still taking daily.
> So as of now, symptoms are:
> Migraine headache daily and constant- moved from " headband" to
> mostly left side and bothering vision in left eye
> Continued upper abdominal pain daily and constant
> Occasional night sweats/hot flashes 2-3x's week
> Today, first time in weeks, diarrhea - 2x's after eating and taking
> Imatrex - hoping it to be isolated instances.


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