[activityleadershipforseniors] Resident Council Minutes

Thursday, 24 January 2008      0 comments

I'm wondering what everyone does with their Resident Council Minutes.
Do you only forward them to department heads and let them get the
information out, do you post them where all staff can read them, do
you have them available but not posted, do you keep them confidential
and not accessible to staff? We're having a debate about whether or
not staff should have free access to them. I keep my Minutes on the
computer and whenever I forward them to department heads I highlight
the names of those in attendance in black so that the Attendees remain
private. If there needs to be follow up with a particular person, I
can remove the black highlight to reveal the name(s). Just thought I
would take a survey of what ya'll do with your Minutes as far as
follow up and getting issues out to staff. I always make it clear that
the meetings are confidential unless patients want someone in
particular in attendance. That's so they can feel free to speak
without worries of reprisal. Thanks----- coster

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