Naturally fresh and healthy skin is protector of body and a thing of beauty. Ayurveda our ancient science of medicine has suggested many herbal remedies and natural methods to protect our skin from pimples, acne, dark circles, wrinkles and marks left by pimples and to increase the fairness of the skin. Pimples , acne dark circles, wrinkles and marks give a dull and unhealthy look. Here is a herbal guide for naturally fresh, fair and glowing skin.
Structure of skin
It is essential to know about structure of skin before analysing the causes which make changes on skin. Skin is made up of multiple layers of epithelial tissuess. Microscopic section of the skin shows two distinct parts. Epidermis is the top most layer. The upper layer of epidermis contains dead cells which gradually cast off. These cells are gradually replaced by fresh new cells produced by basal layer which is the lower layer of epidermis.
The Dermis lies below epidermis and consists of net work of collagen fibers which is responsible for elastic properties of skin. Sebaceous glands associated with hair follicles and sweat glands, are all present in dermis and get blood supply from the subcutaneous tissue present below dermis. Sebaceous glands get activated during puberty and produce an oil like substance called sebum.
In ayurveda according to Sushrutaachaarya the skin has seven layers. These layers when get affected by imbalanced doshas (vital energetic forces of body ) give rise to different skin diseases. The list of seven layers of skin and diseases which originate from them are as follows.
Avabhasini- The outermost layer of skin. Pimples, acne, dandruff etc arise when this layer gets affected by vitiated doshas.
Lohita - This is the second layer of skin. Moles ,dark circles, black pigmentations occur when vitiated doshas affect this layer.
Shweta - The third layer of skin shweta when gets affected by vitiated doshas precipitates the diseases like eczema ,allergic rashes etc
Tamra - This is the fourth layer of skin which when affected by doshas harbors different types of leprosy.
Vedini- The fifth layer succumbs to herpes when vitiated doshas affect.
Rohini- Harbors cancer, tumors, elephantiasis etc when affected by vitiated doshas.
Mamsadhara - This is the seventh layer in the body which when affected by vitiated doshas , abscess , fistulas arise.
Functions of skin
It covers and protects the underlying muscles and organs. It gaurds our body from the invasion of pathogens, acts as an insulation , regulates body temperature and is one of the sense organ. It palys a major role in sysnthesis of Vitamine D. The melanin pigment of skin protects us from UV radiations of Sun.
What spoils the beauty of skin.?
Several internal and external causes spoil the beauty of skin.
Sun : Sun is the worst enemy of skin.Apply a good sun block on exposed parts of body. Wear full armed lite colored cotton clothes when you move out in sun. Do not forget to wear a hat and cooling glasses.
Mix sandal powder in a large glass of water and keep it in refrigerator to cool. Transfer this into a sprayer and keep on spraying this on your body whenever you feel your skin is irritated due to sun rays.
Seasonal Changes:
When climate is hot and humid the skin feels sticky due to sweat. Microbial activity increases on wet skin . Bathe daily to keep the skin clean and lower the microbial activity. Use a mixture of soap nut powder , besan (gram flour) and sandal wood powder to scrub the skin. Drink plenty of water to compensate the loss of fluid through sweat.
When climate is cold and dry the moisture level of skin lowers and skin becomes dry and it tends to crack. Apply moisturizing lotion liberally all over body. Smearing fresh aloevera juice improves moisture levels of skin. Massage your body with gingelly oil (til oil) once in a weak. Always wear warm cotton clothes and socks. Regular foot massage with warm gingelly oil or castor oil prevents fissuring of heels and foot. Drink plenty of warm water to keep the skin well hydrated and to prevent dryness.
Air Pollution : The air pollutants like dust, smoke, smog, dirt can clog pores and cause acne and pimples. Apply a good moisturizer which acts as a barrier between skin and pollutants. Cleanse the skin care fully when you are back home . Use besan (gram flour) and rose water as scrub in summer. A mixture of Masoor dal flour (orange lentils) and milk make a best scrub for winter.
Life styles :
1. Sleep : Lack of sleep causes dark circles and diminish the glow of skin. 7- 8 hours sleep keeps the skin healthy and glowing
2. Exercise : A brisk walk for 45 minutes keeps the skin healthy by improving blood circulation and eliminating toxins. Lack of exercise lead to dull looking skin.
3. Stress : Stress causes dark circles, loss of complexion and appearance of permanent lines on facial skin. Yoga, Meditation, Exercise and Body massage are best stress busters and skin friendly therapies.
4. Addiction: Tobacco, drugs, alcohol etc make the skin look lifeless and unattractive. Say no to any form of tobacco, alcohol and drugs
Diet :
Unhealthy diet spoils the skin. Junk, spicy , oily foods spoil the beauty of skin causing acne, pimples and black heads . A healthy diet retards ageing process of skin and gives it a charming look. The tips given below help you to adopt a healthy diet.
1. Drink plenty of fresh clean water (2-3 liters daily). It helps to eliminate body wastes and toxins. It keeps constipation at bay.
2. Let fresh fruits and vegetables occupy major portion of your diet. Dark green and orange vegetables and fruits have antioxidants and also pocess cancer fighting properties
3. Avoid sweets, chocolates, junk foods, deep fried, oily and spicy foods.
Daily and weekly regimen for beautiful skin
1. Take bath daily
2. Wash your face twice daily with herbal natural scrubs like besan, methi powder, green gram flour, masoor dal flour etc.Splash clean water on face as soon as you wash.
3. Do a complete body massage with gingelly oil once in a week.
4. Doing Pranayam daily for 15 minutes keep the skin healthy and radiant.
5. Do facials with natural fresh herbs, fruits, vegetables etc once in a week. Cucumber, carrot, water melon , sandal wood paste, turmeric, honey etc can be used according to seasons and skin types.
6. Drink a glass of water with a spoon of honey in empty stomach .This should be one of your daily routine.
7. Savor milk, curds and butter milk.
An Ayurveda Guide for Beautiful Skin
Thursday, 29 November 2007
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Labels: Alternative Medicine
Increase Your Life Through Simple Stop Smoking Aids
Wednesday, 28 November 2007
Smoking is a vice, we all know that. The amazing thing is that even smokers know what a dangerous habit smoking it, taking a heavy toll on their health, relationships and finances. But still, they are will not - or perhaps they think they cannot - kick the smoking habit. However, there are stop smoking aids available today that can actually help the smoker to give up smoking and seriously increase the quality of his or her life. Experts suggest the following aids to stop smoking.
Self Determination and Support - Initially, a smoker may smoke because of the so-called thrill the habit provides, but as time passes on, smoking become a more or less mechanical activity. Hardened smokers do not find any pleasure in smoking; they smoke only because they cannot give up the habit. Hence, if you want to stop smoking, the first thing you must have is will power. Once you have that, half the battle is won.
Then tell everyone you know that you are quitting the habit. You will be surprised how well this works. If everyone knows you are trying to quit smoking, you will find it very difficult to smoke in public. You can also join the several support groups that discuss stop smoking aids at length. There is a lot of morale boosting here, which could go a long way in helping you to come off the smoking habit.
Medications and Therapies - If you are already a long way into smoking, then quitting the smoking habit will become much more difficult for you. Apart from your determination, you will also need to take treatment for the havoc nicotine has already caused in your body. Here, there are many herbal remedies that can help you. The benefit of the herbal remedies is that they will not only repair the damage done in your body, but they will also help to wean away your smoking addiction slowly but surely. In order to resist from smoking, doctors would sometimes prescribe antidepressants to smokers.
Nicotine Patches - One reason why most smokers are afraid to give up smoking is that they think they will not be able to resist the withdrawal symptoms that would come in. Withdrawal symptoms will occur if you have been smoking for too long, but if you are a mild smoker, then there will be no such problems.
Anyways, today there are nicotine patches for those who cannot give up smoking all at once. These nicotine patches reduce the temptation for a smoke, and help the person to quit smoking. However, many medical experts are against nicotine patches because they are, after all, nicotine products. Experts believe that patches are never able to reduce the urge of smoking, but they can only reduce the frequency.
Alternative Therapies - Today, alternative therapies have made a huge impact on the medical world, just because of their effectiveness at treatment without causing any side-effects. Smokers are using natural therapies like yoga and Ayurveda to a very high degree. Yoga helps the individual to exercise better control over the mind, while Ayurveda is an ancient herbal science that can work at the internal body system.
When both yoga and Ayurveda are practiced together, they can become two of the most formidable stop smoking aids. There are many western herbs like St. Johns Wort, which are currently being investigated for their properties in making people giving up smoking. Today, different forms of hypnosis are also being used in a significant way to help people stop smoking.
Thus, there are many stop smoking aids available and, frankly speaking, it is easier to quit smoking today than it ever was before. A right mix of determination, support and remedies could go a long way in converting a smoker to a nonsmoker.
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Thinking About Lap Band Surgery For Weight Loss? Know The Pros and Cons
Adjustable gastric banding, including Lap Band surgery, is a form of restrictive weight loss surgery designed for obesity patients with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or greater or between 35 and 40 for those patients who have conditions that are reportedly known to improve with weight loss. The Swedish adjustable gastric band system differs from the LAP-BAND because it wasn't designed to be used with keyhole laparoscopic surgery. One important difference in the early days between the LAP BAND system and the Swedish adjustable lap band is SAGB didn't have a self-closing mechanism and had to be closed with sutures.
Lap band surgery is usually not performed if the patient has an untreated glandular disease such as hypothyroidism, where other measures may still be sought out. Any prospective surgical patient must be an acceptable operative risk. If someone is alcohol or drug-dependent they won't be eligible for any type of weight loss or adjustable band surgery.
In general terms, gastric banding, including the Lap Band procedure and weight loss system is indicated for people for whom their Body Mass Index is above 40, or for those who are 100 pounds (45 kg) or more over their estimated ideal weight according to the still-used-today 1983 Metropolitan Life Insurance Tables or for those between 30 to 40 who have co-morbidities that may improve with weight loss (high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, and arthritis). The surgery cannot be performed on patients when severe cardiopulmonary diseases or other conditions are present which make them poor surgical candidates in general.
The adjustable gastric band or Lap Band is an inflatable silicone prosthetic device which is placed around the top portion of the stomach using the minimal incision keyhole laparoscopic surgery. Then when fluid is introduced into the stomach the lap band expands, placing pressure around the outside of the stomach which in turn decreases the size of the passage in the stomach and restricts the movement of food.
As the upper part of the stomach detects fullness the message to the brain is that the stomach is full and this sensation helps the patient eat smaller portions and lose weight over time. Removal of the adjustable gastric band would also require a keyhole procedure and the stomach then usually returns to its normal pre-banded state. The placement of the adjustable gastric band creates a small pouch at the top portion of the stomach which holds approximately 50 ml. This pouch then fills with food quickly and the passage of food from the top to the bottom of the stomach is slowed down.
Post-surgery weight regain can happen with any this and any surgical weight loss procedure including the more radical procedures that initially result in rapid weight loss. Following surgery the patient should consider eating less, eating more slowly and chewing food thoroughly.
The doctor must use the proper and sensitive adjustment of the gastric band because it's imperative to weight loss and the long term success of the lap band procedure. The amount of weight that is lost in the months after surgery will depend on the individual and their personal circumstances, motivation, and mobility.
Other complications of gastric band surgery can include the ulceration and irritated stomach tissue. And erosion can occur where the band wears a small area on the outside of the stomach which can lead to migration of the band to the inside of the stomach.
Some of the adjustable gastric band surgery complications that involve the band itself and the port include: band slippage, pouch dilation, esophageal dilatation or dysmotility and erosion of the band into the gastric lumen. It's not common but slippage can occur, which is an unusual occurrence where the lower part of the stomach may prolapse over the band and cause an obstruction. It's not a pleasant thought but be aware that some people have died while undergoing adjustable gastric band surgery.
If you decide to go ahead, it's important to find a weight loss team with a good post-surgical plan because recommendations can vary dramatically. The amount you have to pay for your surgery will vary, there isn't one set price for lap band surgery. Some people travel to other countries, such as Mexico, where it's cheaper if they have to pay for the cost of adjustable gastric banding surgery themselves. Post-surgical visits will be necessary but it's possible that can be arranged in your local area.
Source : articles Base
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Labels: Diseases and Conditions
Panic Attack Remedy
These days, there are many panic attack remedy options available to people all over the world, thanks to the internet. You still need to be aware of the scams and people trying to steal your money.
These people know that those who suffer from panic attacks or other anxiety disorders are desperate and will try anything if it looks believable enough. Go with reputable sources.
Doctors, Drugs And Therapy
Generally, a safe and effective way to go, though even this can pose problems. Drugs can cause nasty side effects. Some might not work, so it takes time before you find one that does.
You'll also need to have a really good doctor in every respect. I've known my fair share of doctors that I would never go back to. Those who have suffered for years, going from doctor to doctor, will know EXACTLY what I mean.
Cognitive behavioral therapy, (particularly with medication; drugs or natural) is an effective remedy for panic attacks. If you're asked if you want this, JUMP at the chance. It's for your own good.
Other Panic Attack Remedies
You can also try things at home. Drink herbal teas that have chamomile, Valerian or lemon balm. These have properties to soothe and calm you down and are good for panic attacks.
Try taking B-Complex vitamins as well as calcium and magnesium. They may not cure you, but lacking these can make panic attacks worse. Take these as part of the big picture.
Emotional Freedom Techniques is relatively new. There doesn't seem to be much study in this, but many people swear that it works. It's based on stimulating specific points in the body, releasing energy and bringing about a cure.
Three notable methods have helped thousands of people all over the world. These are PureCalm, Panic Away and The Linden Method. For those who prefer drug-free remedies, these would be excellent options.
PureCalm contains natural ingredients and is safe and generally effective. It contains lemon balm and passion flower, both known ingredients to restore calmness.
Panic Away and The Linden Method are programs created by ex-sufferers. For those who prefer to learn by reading, I'd recommend Panic Away. If you're a listener, then go with The Linden Method. Both are good choices.
You may need to experiment or research to find YOUR panic attack remedy. It's treatable. Don't suffer silently and needlessly anymore.
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Labels: Mental Health
Try the Mediterranean Diet and Hypnosis and Eliminate Cravings and Lose Fat Right Now!
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
If you dream of the body of a Greek god or goddess, you don't have to hurl thunderbolts or battle one-eyed monsters - simply eating like the ancient idols can help you get a physique that others will worship.
The Mediterranean way of eating, which is a diet plan featuring plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, olive oil, whole grains and red wine, can help you attain the perfect shape. The Mediterranean diet meal plan has also been linked to a healthier heart and a longer life span. Foods with refined sugar, red meat, and fatty dairy products are rarely consumed, if ever.
Centuries after the powerful gods shook things up, the Mediterranean style of eating still makes great sense as a diet because you get full on a lot of high-fiber, low fat foods that leave you feeling sated for much longer. The fruits and vegetables eaten as part of the Mediterranean way of eating are naturally low in calories, and are full of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, things your body needs to create new and healthy cells.
The Mediterranean way of eating permits a higher fat intake than most weight loss diet plans, but it's healthy fat that comes from olive oil and nuts, which are rich in beneficial monounsaturated fats, and low in unhealthy saturated fats, like those found in ice-cream, cheese or beef.
Just remember that for higher calorie foods, like the olive oil, whole grains and red wing, you still need to focus on overall calorie intake and serving sizes. The secret to any successful weight loss diet is taking in fewer calories while still feeling satisfied.
When you feel full, it makes it a little easier to overcome cravings that many people who are trying to follow a weight loss diet endure. What good is a diet if you can't stick to it because your appetite is out of control? Before you start any weight loss diet, you will need to find a safe, effective method to eliminate your urges, cravings and appetite to overeat. Weight loss hypnotherapy is a wonderful tool to help you curb your cravings.
The average person experiences cravings and an urge to eat for two key reasons:
A. When you pair eating with any other behavior, the other behavior will trigger cravings and a compulsion to eat.
B. When you feel tension, you feel compelled to put something into your mouth for pleasure and relaxation.
Let's examine Part "A" first. Over 70% of the population learns much more quickly and easily by seeing, rather then by hearing. Think about it: If you have an urge to eat while watching television, it is because your mind recorded the video image of food in your hand, and then associated that image with the image of the TV. From that point, every time you watch TV, your unconscious flashes the image of the food in your hand, and you get a corresponding urge.
You've actually "programmed" your unconscious mind to make you feel cravings and urges as a "conditioned response" to watching TV. The same thing happens when you eat in your car or while on the phone, etc.
Lose weight hypnotherapy will eliminate the conditioned responses simply by reprogramming your subconscious mind to have it trigger unconscious images of you watching the TV without eating, and that will eliminate the urge to eat. It will also give you an urge to reject food in that scenario!
But what about Part "B"? Our sensations of anxiousness are created by our thoughts. If you think upsetting thoughts, you feel anxiety and upset. If you think happy thoughts, you feel happy and relaxed.
If you think an upsetting thought seated at your computer, your mind can associate that thought with the computer. Thereafter, when you are sitting at your computer, you have a conditioned response; your mind will flash to that upsetting thought and you will feel tense. Weight loss hypnosis can help you defeat these patterns almost immediately.
The techniques used in the most effective hypnotherapy programs are based on Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). This technology works by using a person's existing thought processes instead of post-hypnotic suggestion.
Video weight loss self-hypnosis can program your subconscious to use negative thoughts as a trigger for tranquilizing thoughts. So if you start to think of something that is distressing, your unconscious will automatically change to a relaxing thought in a millisecond. You become calm, so there are no sensations of anxiety to set off your cravings. And without an appetite to overeat, it's much easier to lose weight and keep it off permanently.
Combining a sensible weight loss diet plan, like the Mediterranean style, along with weight loss hypnosis means you can finally beat your cravings to achieve the body of a Greek god or goddess.
Source : Articlesbase
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Premenstrual Syndrome – is it Just in Her Mind?
Her behavior is erratic and unpredictable. One moment she is agreeable, the next she is argumentative. Is premenstrual syndrome (PMS) causing such mood changes?
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is the name of a group of symptoms that start 7 to 14 days before your period (menstruation). The symptoms usually stop soon after your period begins. Most women who have menstrual periods experience some premenstrual symptoms. About 40 percent of menstruating women have premenstrual syndrome, and 10 percent have severe symptoms.
Most women feel some discomfort before their periods. But if you have PMS, you may feel so anxious, depressed or uncomfortable that you can't cope at home or at work. Your symptoms may be worse some months and better others.
According to the American Journal of Psychiatry, “cyclic occurrences of symptoms that are of sufficient severity to interfere with some aspects of life, prior to menses, is PMS. Although definitions differ, some 150 symptoms may be associated with PMS.
Therefore, the most likely explanation for PMS is that many women are sensitive to the hormonal shifts that occur in the second half of the menstrual cycle.
The debated cause may range from hormonal imbalance to psychological and social factors. Patient Care, in reporting on the causes of PMS, states that “no clear cut differences have been found in the patterns, ratios, amounts, or timing of gonadal hormones in women with or without severe PMS.”
How is PMS treated?
There is no cure for PMS, but eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly and taking medicine may help. Your doctor will talk to you about whether you need to change your diet and exercise habits. He or she may also prescribe medicine for you, depending on what your symptoms are.
You may need to try more than one medicine to find the treatment that works for you. Many medicines are available over-the-counter, but some require a doctor's prescription. Medicines that can be prescribed include diuretics, antidepressants and birth control pills. Other medicines for PMS are being studied.
The more a woman understands PMS, the more can be done.
Source : Articlesbase
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Labels: Women's Health
Cancer of the Penis the Staging, Grading and Treatment
Monday, 19 November 2007
The staging of a cancer is a term used to describe its size and whether or not it has spread beyond its original site. Knowing the particular type and the stage of the cancer helps the doctors to decide on the best treatment for you.
* Stage 1 The cancer only affects the skin covering the penis, the head of the penis (glans) or the foreskin.
* Stage 2 The cancer has begun to spread into the shaft of the penis or into one of the lymph nodes in the groin.
* Stage 3 The cancer has spread deep into the shaft of the penis or to many lymph nodes in the groin.
* Stage 4 The cancer has spread to lymph nodes deep in the pelvis, or to other parts of the body.
If your cancer comes back after initial treatment, this is known as recurrent cancer.
Grading refers to the appearance of the cancer cells under the microscope and gives an idea of how quickly the cancer may develop. Low-grade means that the cancer cells look very like normal cells; they are usually slow-growing and are less likely to spread. In high-grade tumors, the cells look very abnormal, are likely to grow more quickly, and are more likely to spread.
There are many types of treatment for penile cancer including surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Surgery of the penis has now advanced to a stage now where it doesn't mean the loss of the penis. It is also possible to now reconstruct a penis that has been operated on.
The type of treatment that you are given will depend on a number of things, including the position and size of the cancer, whether or not it has spread, the grade of the cancer, and your general health.
Men with cancer of the penis should be treated in a specialist cancer center.
Small, surface cancers that have not spread are treated by removing only the affected area. The cancer can be removed with conventional surgery, using laser or by freezing (cryotherapy). Cryotherapy is carried out with a cold probe, which freezes and kills the cancer cells.
If the cancer is affecting only the foreskin, it may be possible to treat it with circumcision alone.
All the above treatments can usually be given to you as an outpatient. They may be done under local or general anesthetic, depending on individual circumstances.
Wide local excision If the cancer has spread over a wider area, you will need to have an operation known as a wide local excision. This means removing the cancer with a border of healthy tissue around it. This border of healthy tissue is important as it reduces the risk of the cancer coming back in the future. The operation is done under general anesthetic and will involve a short stay in hospital.
Removing the penis (penectomy) This may be advised if the cancer is large and is covering a large area of the penis. Amputation may be partial (where part of the penis is removed) or total (removal of the whole penis). The operation most suitable for you depends on the position of the tumor. If the tumor is near the base of the penis, total amputation may be the only option.
The surgeon may also remove lymph nodes from the groin if there is evidence that cancer cells have spread to these nodes, or a possibility that they may have.
Re constructive surgery It is often possible to have a penis reconstructed after amputation. This requires another operation. The techniques that may be used include taking skin and muscle from your arm, and using this to make a new penis. Sometimes it is also possible for surgeons to reconnect some of the nerves, to provide sensation and the necessary blood flow to allow the reconstructed penis to become erect. This type of surgery is carried out by surgeons who have specialist experience, and you may need to travel to a specialist hospital to have the surgery done.
Radiotherapy treats cancer using high-energy rays to destroy cancer cells, while doing as little harm as possible to healthy cells. It can be used before or after surgery. Radiotherapy may also be given to treat symptoms, such as pain, if the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, like the bones.
External radiotherapy is normally given as a series of short daily treatments in the hospital's radiotherapy department. High-energy x-rays are directed from a machine at the area of the cancer. The treatments are usually given from Monday to Friday, with a rest at the weekend. Each treatment takes 10-15 minutes. The number of treatments will depend on the type and size of the cancer, but the whole course of treatment for early cancer will usually last for up to six weeks. Your doctor will discuss the treatment and possible side effects with you.
Before each session of radiotherapy, the radiographer will position you carefully on the couch and make sure that you are comfortable. During your treatment you will be left alone in the room, but you will be able to talk to the radiographer who will be watching you carefully from the next room.
Radiotherapy is not painful, but you do have to lie still for a few minutes while your treatment is being given. The treatment will not make you radioactive and it is perfectly safe for you to be with other people, including children, after your treatment.
Radioactive implants Radiotherapy can be given using a radioactive implant. This is also known as brachytherapy. Under a general anesthetic, small radioactive wires are very carefully positioned in the affected area of the penis. The wires stay in place for about 4-5 days and are then removed. This method of treatment is usually used for smaller cancers on the end of the penis (the glans). While the implant is in place, you need to stay in an isolated room in the hospital so that other people are not exposed unnecessarily to the radiation.
Side effects of radiotherapy
There are sometimes side effects from radiotherapy treatment to the penis. Towards the end of your treatment, the skin on your penis can become sore and may break down. Long-term, radiotherapy can cause thickening and stiffening of healthy tissues (fibrosis). In some men, this can result in narrowing of the tube that carries urine through the penis (the urethra) and so can cause difficulty in passing urine. If narrowing of the urethra does develop, it can usually be relieved by an operation to stretch (dilate) the area. This is done by passing a tube into the urethra and is performed under a general anesthetic.
Chemotherapy is the use of anti-cancer (cytotoxic) drugs to destroy cancer cells. It can be one drug or several drugs used together. It is not commonly used to treat cancer of the penis. Chemotherapy cream may sometimes be used to treat very small, early cancers that are confined to the foreskin and end of the penis (glans).
Chemotherapy may also be given as tablets, or by injection, into a vein for more advanced cancer. It may be given along with surgery or radiotherapy (or both).
Source : articlesbase
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Labels: Cancer
Check Out the Stamp of Approval Before Laying your Hands on an Ed Drug!
Nobody is stranger to the concept of ED drugs that are today available in the market. Erectile dysfunction being one of the most common diseases that attack the men all over the world, it was absolutely necessary that some kind of medication be made available. Earlier also there were some treatments for ED but nothing which was a sure shot solution for all patients. The so- called treatments were more of a trial and error method which proved helpful for some but completely flopped in case of some others. So these ED treatments never became that popular.
As ED was something that men were ashamed to talk about, it took a long, long time before an effective ED drug was invented. Erectile dysfunction was a taboo. The silence regarding ED made people forget the widespread presence of the disease. With the passage of time people started talking about the aspects of sex. Slowly the need was felt for a cure of ED and the result was that a few years back some great ED drugs were invented and made available in the market.
The magnum publicity campaign at the launch of the ED drugs made the people all over the world more open to sex as a whole and its issues. Soon it was seen that the erectile dysfunction drugs were selling like hot cakes. These drugs were like a lease of fresh air for the ones suffocated by impotence.
The ED drugs were a new concept. Hence, when the product was introduced into the market, there had to be some kind of affirmation and seal that was required so that the people could trust the drug.
All the oral ED drugs were approved by the Food and Drug Administration. It was made necessary that all the side effects of the drugs were mentioned on the labels along with their obvious plus points and their compositions. The three ED drugs that are approved by the FDA are Pfizer Viagra, Bayer Levitra, and Lily Icos Cialis. ED drug Cialis is selling the most in the current times for some of the plus points that it has over the other ED treatments. The primary component of the drug is Sildenafil that has also been approved by the FDA as safe for the purpose of consumption. People can order cialis from the online pharmacies. When you buy cialis online just make sure that the product is FDA approved. Because there are some dangerous and ineffective drugs that are sold online that claim to cure ED and enhance sexual performance. These drugs are not cleared by the FDA or any such authority. So if you are lured by the big promises and the cheap prices then there are fair chances that you might be harmed. Don't gamble with your life; be cautious before leaping to these attractive claims made by any unapproved product.
Source : Articlesbase
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Labels: Men's Health